. . . start here!


My name is Jennifer &  I have recently embarked on a new creative and spiritual journey of truth and invite you to walk with me as I explore the path of rediscovering my true self. They say she’s in there, they say to believe and after finally surrendering to the belief that I too deserve complete and unconditional happiness, I am ready to celebrate the liberation of my heart, my body and my soul into a new world of enlightenment and invite you to come along! I’m not sure where I’m going or even how I’ll get there but I know that together we can navigate our way back to “Center” and become reacquainted with our true most inner beings.

And so I begin….in this moment….this precious moment. There are no rules, no wrong turns, no regrets and no worries. In this very moment I sit quietly and simply decide to begin. As my dear friend always says, “Start where you are”……

So…Where am I?

Spiritually...I am in the most safe and loving place I’ve ever known. My eyes are wide open to all the beauty that surrounds me, my heart is overflowing with gratitude for the amazing people in my life, my mind is racing with excitement for all that is yet to discover and my soul is ready to express itself in its truest form!

Creatively...I am a very creative Soul ~ always have been…always will be. At times, I’ve tried to dim my artistic light to live comfortably in different social “boxes” but all the while, that light has remained lit and taken many different forms amongst many different circumstances. So where is it today?

Today…. my creativity coupled with my spirituality and appreciation for all that is good in my life, has taken the form of unique wearable wishes that I call Blessing Bracelets. They are true manifestations of this personal shift I have made into a place of self-nurturing and rediscovery ~ a place filled with light and love.

How are these bracelets related to my journey of self-discovery you ask? I will tell you….

On a very personal level, they serve as a source of introspection and reflection to help direct my thinking into a more positive and empowered place. They are road maps so to speak to help navigate me along my new path. I also find they provide a sense of strength when making them for others and therefore have decided to put them “out there” for those on a similar path or in need of encouragement. In an attempt to do so, I have found the courage to take my bracelets to the next level by setting up a shop on Etsy - an amazing online world of handmade goods.

Now for the fun part!

They say that if you do something consecutively for 21 days it becomes a way of life so I have decided to challenge myself to do just that! I am going to attempt to reflect on, make and post one bracelet a day for 21 days! Each bracelet will help direct my thoughts while on this journey and by sticking with it for 21 days, I intend to make the desire to live in my truth a lifelong practice. In the process, I will also accomplish my goal of sharing my bracelets with others in hopes of helping them live their own individual truths as well!

So again, I invite you to walk with me. Share with me where you’ve been, where you’re going and how you’re getting there. I believe that we are all connected on some level and look forward to sharing this journey of enlightenment with you all! Until tomorrow…..
